Never Give In

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. He may very well be the primary force that saved Western civilization from tyranny and oppression. But Churchill was forced to lead Great Britain during one of the darkest eras in his nation’s history. And Churchill was required to balance a very delicate political alliance with the United States and the Soviet Union that required tremendous patience and artistic diplomacy.

On one side, therefore, Churchill found a very formidable enemy that had the military power to crush him and his nation. On the other side, he saw the suffering of his people and wondered how long their patience would endure. And on yet another side, he found allies who had the means to help him achieve victory, yet who desired to use him at the same time. And the free world hung in the balance as Churchill delicately and patiently walked this tightrope of conflicting responsibilities.

But Churchill was successful primarily because of his persistence and tenacity. He just refused to quit, and his stubborn resolve became his trademark and the redeeming factor for his nation and the free world. In the midst of these dark days, long before victory was assured, Churchill gave one of the most famous speeches of his life. At the famed Harrow School in London, he said, “Never give in. Never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to conviction of honor and good sense.”

There is a fine line between stubbornness and persistence, and the key to success is to know the difference. While stubbornness is the negative quality of resisting the obvious for purely selfish reasons, persistence is the positive quality of refusing to quit because victory is worth the price. So learn from Churchill. Victory surely awaits those who refuse to go away.

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