[Podcast] Episode 144: The Missing Piece is Awe With John Bevere Part 2

podcast May 09, 2023


In today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, John Bevere returns for Part 2 and reminds us that love for God is not synonymous with fear of God! He alerts us to how the Spirit’s presence will remain M.I.A in the absence of reverence of Him, how intimacy with Him without awe of Him will fail us, and how the proof is in the pudding all throughout Scripture!

00:00 Introduction with John Bevere

2:15 Presence of God Sweeps Over Brazil National Conference

11:52 Presence of God Sweeps Over Malaysia National Conference

17:03 Why is Awe of God Important for Leaders?

20:25 Where to Buy Awe of God

20:42 About Messenger International

22:35 Farewell

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