[Podcast] Episode 148: Light the Match and Burn Down Your Box With Natalie Born

podcast Jun 06, 2023


Bust out and burn down the box that stifles your innovation! On today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, we welcome our two-time guest Natalie Born to discuss her new book, Set it On Fire. In it, Natalie inspires her readers to crawl out of their box of safety, burn it down, and relocate to the land of innovation! Through strategic process and maturation, you can finally get out of your own way and innovate!

00:00 Introduction with Natalie Born

3:14 All About “Set it On Fire”

4:56 Why Teams Struggle With Innovation

8:55 Release the Dream Hidden Within You

10:58 What Cultivates Innovation and What Kills It?

12:48 Identifying What Suffocates Innovation

16:40 Innovation Rises and Falls With the Leader

20:29 The Meaning of the “Set it On Fire” Visual

23:30 Maturing Toward Innovation

29:02 Create Empathy Maps For Your Customers

32:00 Where to Buy “Set it On Fire”

33:09 Supplemental Masterclass Videos

34:41 AVAIL

35:34 Final Thoughts

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