[Podcast] Episode 182: God Uses Ordinary Angels with Pastor Dave Stone

podcast Feb 20, 2024

When the world sees disunity within the Church, they keep the Church at arm's length. Today, Pastor Dave Stone offers a solution on today’s AVAIL podcast—cinema! Pastor Dave discusses his involvement with the new faith-based film Ordinary Angels and the power of entertainment to engage those outside the Church with the love that defines the work of Christ!

00:00 Introducing Dave Stone

3:27 Inspiration behind the movie Ordinary Angels

7:09 Connection between Pastor Dave’s church and Ordinary Angels

9:20 When the Church serves as the Church should

12:17 What audiences should take away from the film

15:06 Who will be touched by the film?

18:42 Pastor Dave’s previous involvement with films

23:09 How churches can carry the film story into their own communities

28:04 Movies as modern-day parables

30:22 Where to find Ordinary Angels movie trailer

31:00 How to connect with Pastor Dave

31:45 AVAIL Journal

34:26 Lightning Round with Pastor Dave Stone

35:51: Final words of wisdom

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