The Need for Leaders to Grow

If a leader is growing, then gifted, passionate leaders are eager to join and contribute, and the organization almost certainly grows. But when leaders aren't growing, the best people stay away, and the organization will inevitably face decline.

While most leaders have good intentions regarding personal growth and development, the hard truth is that no one grows just out of intentionality alone. Let us offer a few applicable suggestions:

Find an ally. Whether it be a mentor, life coach, or a friend, find someone who's in your corner and can help you develop yourself.

Make a comprehensive list of all the roles you're responsible for – from parenthood to baseball coach!

Evaluate your effectiveness in each of the above-listed roles. What areas need improvement?

Evaluate yourself in the following areas: spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, and emotionally.

Write out specific, attainable, and measurable goals for each area.

Put your plan to a realistic but effective schedule – it won't happen without one!

Don't think just because you need adjustment in one area that you are flawed or should be ashamed. It's just a reality of life. However, it is a flaw if you fail to attempt adjustment once you know you need it!

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