The Waiting Game: Trade today's disappointment for tomorrow's destiny

Working in the media business located in one of the most competitive cities for the industry—Hollywood—I’ve seen the heartbreak of talented individuals struggling to launch a career. I watch their constant striving to survive and how they deal with disappointments over projects that seem to be a sure thing or greenlit, only to see them evaporate into thin air.

The constant wait for success is excruciating. I know one talented woman who endured ten interviews at a single studio before ever getting hired. I prayed and waited with her, not knowing if it would ever happen. For her the final outcome was positive, but for too many, it’s very often not. The industry reeks with, “I’ll give you a call next week,” and, “We’re waiting for just one more thing before we can make a decision.”

Having been an actress for several years and now as a producer, I’ve been a victim to many empty promises, struggles and disappointments, but I’ve also learned how to “be anxious for nothing” (Philippians 4:6) and to do everything I can within my power and then let God do the rest. He has His perfect timing if we don’t try to manipulate it or to quit.

While I wait, I’ve learned to pray outside of my current frustrations and circumstances, knowing that God will never meet a temporary desire if it destroys his future perfect plans for me. If God’s called you to His high purposes our job is to stay the course and trust and obey Him.

The story of Ruth and Naomi in the Bible is all about waiting. Ruth chose to say no to moving back home and not giving up and yes to trusting in the new God she’d seen in the life of her deceased husband. Ruth chose to stick with her mother-in-law, Naomi, who had lost hope herself and was bitter over her current life circumstances. Ruth chose to move forward into the unknown and trust in hope even when things seemed hopeless. Ruth had no idea that her choices would bring a great-grandson, King David, from whose lineage Jesus would be born and who was the biggest “wait” the world had ever waited for. Today, we continue to wait for the second biggest wait of all time, the return of Jesus and God’s eternal kingdom.

As we currently wait to see how the disruptions of COVID -19 will affect our world, moving forward with all its political, social and financial fallout, will we view this time as an opportunity to trust God or sink back and give up? Waiting can sometimes seem unending, and for gifted media and entertainment professionals, waiting tables in Hollywood is not where they want to live out their lives until their big break happens.

The shutdowns of the pandemic will end too, but it will be our choices now that will determine how we move forward and whether we walk in God’s perfect plan or waste time and wallow in our suffering. Ruth didn’t sit back and wait without being observant to her surroundings and what she could do right then to make it through and survive. She walked. Remember, the Bible assures us that, “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,  they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).


This article was extracted from Issue 5 (Spring 2021) of the AVAIL Journal. Claim your free annual subscription here.


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