The Nature of Change

blog Aug 08, 2024

By Ed Stephens Jr.

Change is a recurring theme throughout the Bible. Ironically, although we need to constantly be open to change, we serve a God who has an unchanging nature. He remains constant, a truth pointed out in Malachi 3:6: “For I the Lord do not change.” This assures us we can trust in His faithfulness and rely on His promises, even amid the uncertainties of life.

Scripture is brimming with promises of the hope that God brings to our lives as we acknowledge that we live in an ever-changing world and try to adapt to shifts in the familiar. Among them are:

Transformation through Christ. Second Corinthians 5:17 reminds us if anyone is in Christ, they become a new creation. This highlights the opportunity for personal change and growth through a relationship with Jesus.

Spiritual growth. Change is often accompanied by challenges and trials, but they can also be opportunities for spiritual growth. James 2:1-4 encourages believers to consider it pure joy when they face various trials, because they produce perseverance and maturity in faith.

An abiding trust. We can know that God is sovereign and trustworthy. Such biblical narratives as the story of Joseph in Genesis remind us that God can work through change and difficult circumstances to bring about His purposes. Even when situations seem uncertain or unfavorable, trusting in God’s sovereignty can provide peace and reassurance.

Renewal of our mind. Romans 12:2 urges believers to renew their minds and not conform to the patterns of this world. This speaks to the vital importance of aligning our thoughts and perspectives with God’s truth. This can bring about transformation and a renewed outlook on life.

Eternal guidance. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord and not lean on our own understanding of life or circumstances. When facing change, seeking God’s guidance through prayer and studying His Word will provide wisdom and direction.

Perseverance and hope. The Bible offers stories of individuals who faced significant changes and challenges, but persevered because they had hope. Hebrews 10:36 reminds us: “You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” This encourages believers to remain steadfast in faith during times of change.


Trusting in God in the midst of change is a powerful and foundational belief for many Christians, providing comfort, guidance and hope during times of uncertainty. Yet this also requires that we set aside natural reasoning and human emotion. As Isaiah 55:9 teaches, God’s ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts than our thoughts. In other words, God isn’t taking orders from us; He’s giving them!

This reality demands we make a number of changes, starting with surrendering control of our lives. Change often brings a sense of loss of control. Trusting God means surrendering our plans and trusting He has a greater purpose and plan for our lives.

This requires acknowledging God’s ways are higher than ours and He knows what is best for us. To do so in a world that is always “looking out for No. 1” is a counterintuitive and countercultural stance.

We not only have to surrender control when faced with change. We have to seek God’s guidance through prayer and reflection. Trusting God means relying on His wisdom and seeking His direction as we navigate through new seasons of life.

We also have to find peace in God’s promises. The Bible is filled with promises of God’s faithfulness and provision. Trusting God means anchoring our hearts and minds on these promises, knowing He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5) and He works all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Embracing God’s timing is another requirement of adapting to change, which often comes with its own timeline and may not align with our desires or expectations. Trusting God means embracing His perfect timing—even when it doesn’t make sense. It requires patience, faith and a willingness to wait for God’s plans to unfold.

We must also grow in faith amid change. Change can be a catalyst for spiritual growth and deepening our trust in God. As we face new challenges and unknown territories, trusting God allows us to lean on Him, strengthen our faith and experience His faithfulness in tangible ways.


Embracing change is essential for personal and spiritual transformation. Change has the power to challenge our perspectives, push us out of our comfort zones and catalyze growth in various aspects of our lives. There are a number of reasons we need to embrace change and its potential for personal and spiritual development.

The first is growth, which comes as we open the door to change. When we resist change, we may stagnate in familiar patterns and miss out on valuable opportunities for self-improvement. (Many a church has withered under the groans of, “We’ve never done it that way before.”) By embracing change, we allow ourselves to learn new skills, acquire knowledge and broaden our horizons, ultimately leading to personal growth.

Since change is inevitable in life, it requires we adapt to new circumstances. That’s true whether it involves relationships, careers or environments. We must adapt. Embracing change enables us to navigate transitions more effectively, adjust to new circumstances and thrive in the face of uncertainty. This cultivates resilience and flexibility, which are essential qualities for personal and spiritual transformation.

When we adapt, we can also find that change challenges our preconceived notions and limiting beliefs about ourselves and the world around us. This presents an opportunity to question old assumptions, reevaluate our values and embrace new perspectives. By letting go of rigid thinking, we open ourselves to transformative experiences and expand our understanding of ourselves and others.

While we may hesitate to change, when we shed our resistance, we can actually deepen our spiritual connection to God. Embracing change can significantly impact our spiritual journey by inviting us to surrender control, trust God more fully and have faith in the unfolding of our lives.

Through change, we can deepen our spiritual connection by seeking guidance, finding solace in prayer and meditating on God’s Word, and recognizing God’s divine presence in every circumstance.

Because it often disrupts comfort and familiarity, change can also be accompanied by fear and resistance. However, by embracing change we can confront these fears and break free from the limitations they often place on our lives. This empowers us to overcome obstacles, embrace new opportunities and step into our true potential.

Granted, change can be challenging and even bring unexpected hardships. Nevertheless, through embracing change we can cultivate resilience. We learn to adapt, bounce back from setbacks and find strength in the face of adversity. This resilience extends beyond personal transformation and contributes to our ability to positively impact the world.

Let’s face it: life is a continuous journey of growth and change. Embracing change allows us to fully engage with this journey and savor the experiences it brings. By accepting change as a natural part of life, we become active participants rather than passive observers. We actively shape our own paths and embrace the opportunities that come our way, confident that God will guide us every step of the way.

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