Writing by Heart

blog Jul 25, 2024

By Megan Adelson

I lived my entire life without Jesus until my early 30s. It was a long, turbulent 31 years—and then, in 2020, I became a Christian.

And everything got worse. A lot...

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The Discomfort Zone

blog Jul 18, 2024

By Martijn van Tilborgh

What if the very idea of a “comfort zone” is the greatest adversary of growth? What if the safety zone, the tried-and-true business strategies and the...

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The Promise in Pain

blog Jul 11, 2024

By Gary Lewis

In 2021, the year of my accident, 966 bicyclists died in crashes with motor vehicles in the United States—a slight increase over the 948 fatalities recorded during the...

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The Flourishing Factor

blog Jul 04, 2024

By Dr. Wayne Hammond

A Gallup survey of people at work focused on employee engagement, measured by the level of involvement and enthusiasm. The study found that only 23% of employees across...

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When a Leader Falls: Why Does His Team Circle the Wagons?

blog Jul 01, 2024

By Phil Cooke

I worked as a prosecutor watching Catholic priests charged with sex abuse and saw firsthand how the “circle the wagons” mentality revictimized the innocent, coddled...

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Designed by the Decade

blog Jun 27, 2024

By LaShawn Davis

Often, when we hear the word “vision,” our minds automatically translate it into mere goals or ambitions. Some might even think it’s just a fleeting...

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A Time to Speak

blog Jun 20, 2024

By Phil Cooke

No matter how small, when a crisis starts brewing in a business, organization or church, when is the best time to intervene? Now. At that moment. And quickly. A crisis has a way...

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Chaos and Catharsis

blog Jun 13, 2024

By Ken Walker

Steve Robinson never expected to hit the wall. When he did in 2010, it left him shell-shocked and reduced to a puddle of tears. He doubted he could continue meeting the demands...

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Level Up

blog Jun 06, 2024

By Chris Pace

“You’re full of potential!”

I’m sure you’ve heard these words spoken over you before. Perhaps it was from a parent, a teacher or a coach. These...

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High Capacity

blog Jun 06, 2024

By Ken Walker

January 14, 2024, marked a historic day in Union Church’s history. For the first time, Sunday attendance at the multisite church 35 miles northeast of Washington, D.C.,...

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