Present, not Perfect

blog Jul 27, 2023

By Jonathan Brozozog

When it comes to knowledge and wisdom, God never gives us everything at once. He gives us information slowly, methodically and incrementally, so we can learn to handle it...

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The Cycle of Comparison

blog Jul 27, 2023

By Adam F. Jones

In 2011, Bronnie Ware published a book about her time as a palliative care nurse. She documented the five biggest regrets people expressed on their death beds. The No 1....

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Longing for the Wilderness

blog Jul 20, 2023

By Martijn van Tilborgh

Many of you reading this will recognize what I’m about to say. Being a leader and fulfilling the dream that God has given you is hard. Sure, once you have reached a...

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Whoā€™s Got your Back?

blog Jul 20, 2023

By Wayne Alcorn

“I thought you were Ironman. I can’t believe this is you.”

These were the words of a junior staff member who watched me sob uncontrollably in my office. I...

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Lead With Purpose

blog Jul 13, 2023

By Michelle Hubert

To lead with purpose is to show up every day as the very best version of ourselves—to be a source of love and light to the people we often spend more time with than...

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From Struggle to Service

blog Jul 13, 2023

By George Thompson

Life is like a rollercoaster—especially if you are a leader—and sometimes it’s hard to see where you are or where you’re going because of all the...

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A House of Prayer

blog Jul 06, 2023

By Donald Gibson

We keep hearing people say, “We need revival!”

“If the United States doesn’t have revival we are in trouble.”

“We are on the cusp of...

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Real Power

blog Jul 06, 2023

By Tim Bell

There was a very famous commercial back in the day, when the new, up-and-coming form of audio recording called the cassette began to kick the latest and greatest eight-track tape...

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Navigate & Discover

blog Jun 29, 2023

By Cameron Nathan Singh

Life is a continuous journey of navigation and discovery, and one thing I have learned since turning 30 is that there is no one method, recipe or series of steps to...

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Stop Chopping

blog Jun 29, 2023

By Jordan Biel

If you’re reading this, I imagine you’re like me and you want to be as eļ¬€ective as possible. We all want God to say to us, “Well done good and faithful...

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