Momentumā€™s Best Friend

blog Sep 07, 2023

By Jeff Williams

Momentum is like a freight train running on a track. When your organization has momentum, work hard to keep it because it can carry you further and faster. With momentum,...

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Shrinking Thinking

blog Sep 07, 2023

By Phil Cooke

Anytime the economy is struggling, or during inflationary times, it’s perfectly normal for leaders to look at downsizing their organization—and that includes pastors and...

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[Blog] Equipping Your Successor

blog Sep 01, 2023

By Sam Chand

I talk and write a lot about the importance of culture, and how it’s formed. Today, I want to talk about maintaining culture, which is something leaders seldom give themselves...

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Mind the Gaps

blog Aug 31, 2023

His latest book, Turbo Leadership, is a selection of 40 bite-sized reflections from Sam Chand on topics ranging from listening and handling criticism to discovering potential leaders and dealing...

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From the Ground Up

blog Aug 24, 2023

By Natalie Born

If you are anything like I am, you don’t see yourself as naturally innovative. Despite that factor, I can still remember the call to innovate that came during the 2008...

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A Sacred Startup

blog Aug 24, 2023

By Matt Potter

It was the early days of their startup, and Matt Potter and his three cofounders were in a rented broom closet in Santa Monica, California, fielding tech support calls on their...

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Have a Seat

blog Aug 17, 2023

By Phil Pringle

We’re all familiar with the meme: a hilarious photo of someone’s stunning incompetence—often at accomplishing a simple task—along with the words,...

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All Hands on Deck

blog Aug 17, 2023

By Steve Jamison

As a young man, I was part of a five-man crew on my father’s boat, fishing for halibut in the open ocean stretching across the Gulf of Alaska. I fished with him from the...

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blog Aug 03, 2023

By Jermone Glenn

Who are you? Most people answer this question with what they do and the roles they play. We try to categorize ourselves in ways that are relatable to our audience. Often,...

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Move It!

blog Aug 03, 2023

By Chris Sonksen

At one time or another, every leader (and then, the organization being led) loses momentum, plateaus and feels stuck in the mud. The mud might be increasing complexity that...

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