Room to Grow

blog Oct 19, 2023

By Natalie Born

I once worked in an organization where the leader would ask, “Why are we not more innovative?” Many suggestions were provided, but I thought three areas offered a...

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[Blog] Battling Fatigue

blog Oct 13, 2023

By Sam Chand

In today’s world, with everything going on, leaders are fatigued. They may put on a face of confidence for their church congregation or staff, but the reality is they are tired!...

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The Great Equalizer

blog Sep 28, 2023

By Chris Sonksen

Time is the great equalizer. No matter who you are, how much money you have, the title you carry or the power you possess, time does not play favorites. Everyone is given the...

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Freedom Fighter

blog Sep 28, 2023

With Kevin Malone

With its Golden Knights bringing home hockey’s Stanley Cup last spring, a Formula 1 auto race in mid-November, its first-ever Super Bowl next February, and expectations...

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[Blog] Patient, Proactive, and Purposeful Succession Planning

blog Sep 22, 2023

By Sam Chand

Are you being intentional in planning effectively for your succession? It’s time to plan for the inevitable! The 3 main steps to succession that you need to focus on according to...

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Build Like Bezalel

blog Sep 21, 2023

By Sam Chand

            I’ve never been able to build, fix or repair anything—at least in a way that is acceptable. (Although I...

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Build Your Dream Team

blog Sep 21, 2023

By Brian Dollar

I’m certainly not an expert in recruiting. I have had my own struggles in building a volunteer team, but failure can be a ter­rific teacher. There’s no magic...

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[Blog] Learn, Unlearn, Relearn

blog Sep 15, 2023

By Sam Chand

In the words of Alvin Toffler, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” So, are...

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[Blog] Identifying Your Message

blog Sep 08, 2023

By Martijn van Tilborgh

Everything starts with identifying your message. What is the unique value proposition God has given you? Knowing who you are in Christ is the most important, and most...

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Redefining Success

blog Sep 07, 2023

By Greg Surratt

I got fired from my first three jobs in ministry. When I was in college, my dad hired me to be the youth pastor at his church, which was about 60 miles from where I was going...

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