Blessed Resistance: How limitations make room for miracles

Now more than ever, leaders need stamina in times of limitation. Sickness, injustice, polarization and people feeling desperate and alone—these can wear down the leader’s strength and...

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Next-Level Living: How to Transform Frustrations into Fulfillment

My mother looked like a child when she told us. Five feet tall and only thirty years old, she already had youngish looks, but when she made the announcement, something altogether different passed...

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[Podcast] Episode 30: Next Level Leading

In today’s episode, we’re sitting down with Courtney McBath! Courtney serves as Bishop and provides extensive leadership training through his organization, Calvary Leadership Network....

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4C Leadership: Lessons learned in the classroom of crisis


By Courtney McBath

     Crises tend to be the training ground for leadership. Wars produce great presidents and prime ministers. Oppression becomes the breeding...

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Spirit and Truth: What happens when worship leaves the building?

courtney mcbath worship Aug 24, 2020

     In a post-coronavirus world, what does it look like to love God’s house like the psalmist in Psalm 122:1?

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the...

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[Podcast] Episode 4: Lessons Learned from the COVID Crisis: A Conversation with Courtney McBath

In this episode, we join Bishop Courtney McBath as he shares about his latest book, 4C Leadership: Lessons Learned from the COVID Crisis. During this season, it’s essential for leaders in...

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