Too Bashful/Too Bold: Leading boldly ā€“ without the drama

Do you remember the story of the little boy who cried wolf? He cried, “Wolf!” when there was no wolf. The town sprang into action. However, there was no danger. The little boy did...

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[Podcast] Episode 61: Navigating & De-escalating Challenging Conversations: A Conversation with Josh Denhart

 In today’s episode of the AVAIL Leadership Podcast, we’re sitting down with Josh Denhart. Josh Denhart is passionate about children’s ministry, which he brings a unique,...

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Blocks Don't Stack Themselves: There's no such thing as automated leadership

     You know, God has created the universe in such a way that things go from order to disorder—from order to chaos. It literally takes effort to build a ministry, like it...

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[Podcast] Episode 15: Ministry, Change, and Leadership: A Conversation with Josh Denhart

In this episode, we’ll join Josh Denhart in discussing work, ministry, change, and leadership! Are you properly living out God’s calling for your life? Sometimes, God’s calling...

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Concerned vs. Responsible

     I may be concerned about many things, but I am responsible for a few. Place your energies toward the few.

Responsible for a Few Things


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Feel Free to Say No

josh denhart leadership Jul 20, 2020


     In ministry, I want to make sure that my personal powers of persuasion are not leveraged as manipulation. People need to listen to the voice of the Holy...

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Systems Take Time, Systems Make Time

Over the years, I’ve been guilty of spending an inordinate amount of time on the front end of a task or project. Instead of simply completing the task, I’ll also create a system to make...

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When You Succeed, Look Out the Window

Healthy leaders understand who has helped them, who has supported them, and who got them to the victory that they are reveling in today. I seek to create teams—to build people and create...

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Leadingā€¦But No One is Following

If you think you’re leading, and yet no one is following, you may just be taking a walk.

Emotional intelligence is a key characteristic in any leadership role. Understanding people, and the...

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Automate Everything

I have a passion for automation—for setting up systems and processes that reduce human involvement and maximize ministry output.

For example, during my time in ministry, I kept an email...

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