Too Bashful/Too Bold: Leading boldly – without the drama

Do you remember the story of the little boy who cried wolf? He cried, “Wolf!” when there was no wolf. The town sprang into action. However, there was no danger. The little boy did...

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[Podcast] Episode 59: Maximizing Your Digital Media Influence: A Conversation with Phil Cooke

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Phil Cooke. Phil is a man of many talents with extensive experience in media and digital media. Together, we’ll delve into...

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[Podcast] Episode 41: A Ministry Calling: A Conversation with Craig Johnson

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Bishop Craig Johnson! Craig is the Senior Pastor and visionary at Cathedral of Praise International Ministries in San Bernardino...

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[Podcast] Episode 35: Christianity and Relevance: A Conversation with Alan Platt

In this episode, we’re sitting down with visionary Alan Platt! Alan has worked as CEO of Doxa Deo, lead architect in the Church United program, and is the leader of the City Changers...

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Let Go … and Run Beside

ministry sean sweet youth Jan 06, 2021

Do you have a separate children’s and youth ministry at your church? Awesome!

With this model, however, many churches experience a problem. Some kids don’t seem to successfully...

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[Podcast] Episode 15: Ministry, Change, and Leadership: A Conversation with Josh Denhart

In this episode, we’ll join Josh Denhart in discussing work, ministry, change, and leadership! Are you properly living out God’s calling for your life? Sometimes, God’s calling...

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