Always Remember That You Are God's Second Choice!

martijn van tilborgh Sep 01, 2022


By Martijn van Tilborgh

I discovered a long time ago the truth of the saying that “information is powerful.” If you’re a preacher, a motivational speaker, a teacher...

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[Podcast] Episode 100: Sam Chand and Martijn van Tilborgh on The Future of AVAIL


Celebrate Episode 100 with Sam Chand and Martijn van Tilborgh! We’ll reminisce on how AVAIL started, the heart behind the brand, and where we’re going from here onward....

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Curating the Sound


With Sam Chand, Martijn van Tilborgh, & Virgil Sierra

What a wild ride the last two years have been—from a global pandemic to social unrest and a contentious election...

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The Great Attention Shift

Not too long ago I sat down with a pastor of a megachurch on the West coast. He had flown me out to pick my brain about some marketing-related projects for his church and ministry. We were having...

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Build Your Dream

When you want to own the tallest building in the city there are two strategies to accomplish that vision. The first is simply to tear down and demolish every building in town that is taller than...

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Generation Next: How the new future makes room for the old

I often say, “What got us to where we are can’t get us to where we’re going!”

As leaders, this is something important to understand. Why? Well, every generation is supposed...

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The Challenge of Real Change: To step into our bigger future, we must let go of the past

You have probably heard it said that if you keep doing what you have always done, you will get what you always got. That should be depressing enough for anyone who believes that God wants more for...

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Killing Moses: Why old leadership models have to die

Most leaders are not opposed to change. In fact, the desire for change is what makes a leader a leader. However, the margin to absorb change is what keeps leaders from actually changing. In other...

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Liquid Assets: Living water is not meant to be bottled

What is the shape of water? Well it depends, doesn’t it? The shape of water is controlled by the shape and size of the container that it is poured into. For example, when water is poured into...

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Braving the Edge of Chaos: Why innovation is our only option

     As leaders we’ve been told that we need to remove ourselves from the minutiae of the details and position ourselves at 30,000 feet, gaining the vantage point a true...

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