[Podcast] Episode 97: Layne Schranz on Leading with Longevity in Mind


In this episode, we talk to Layne Schranz about leading up, the importance of church culture, and keys to longevity in ministry. Only when we have the mindset that our identity is in...

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Creating Culture

culture direction mike kai Mar 03, 2022

People come from around the world to experience Hawai’i. While there are many beautiful places, I often think God placed His special favor on our state. On the day of creation, I can imagine...

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Collaborative Conversations: A three-step process for stimulating creativity

Creating an innovation culture is a goal of almost every organization, yet most don’t know where to begin.

In the dot-com days, it felt easy to identify a company’s “innovation...

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The Speed of Unity: Loving others in a culture of conflict

The level of suspicion of other people’s motives is higher than ever. Jesus warned, “Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall...

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Liquid Assets: Living water is not meant to be bottled

What is the shape of water? Well it depends, doesn’t it? The shape of water is controlled by the shape and size of the container that it is poured into. For example, when water is poured into...

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Leading With New Eyes: From 'blind guides' to 'disruptive saints' in a post-Christian world

A few years ago, I had an eye surgery that didn’t go as planned.

Now for the record, I’m one of those people who gets unreasonably squeamish about eye stuff. My mom lost an eye when she...

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Shifting Sands: Navigating change in a disruptive context

It is amazing what happens to a beach after a hurricane has gone through. The shifting of the sand is impressive. The hurricane force winds impacting the waves moves tons of sand from the ocean...

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REAL Outreach: Reach your community the Acts 2 way

What should a church look like? Using the acronym REAL, I believe Acts 2:42-47 paints for us a picture of how we can engage our congregants to reach their communities and prepare hearts for the...

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[Podcast] Episode 24: Creating and Leading a Diverse Environment: A Conversation with Louis Carr

In this episode, we sit down with Louis Carr. Louis Carr has been President of Media Sales at BET for more than 30 years! In addition, he is also an author, motivational speaker, and philanthropist...

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Design a Creative Culture: Ten principles for stimulating innovation

Right now, during this time of turmoil around the world, creativity will be vital in providing a roadmap out. This is the time to develop a creative culture inside your organization.

So how do...

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