The Power of Absence

blog Mar 28, 2024

By Sam Chand

“What am I going to do now?” asked Pastor Joe. “We are right in the middle of our annual strategic planning meetings. The team is finally coming together,...

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[Podcast] Episode 187: Leading the SEPP Way with Dr. Jimmie Gray

podcast Mar 26, 2024

It takes a novel model of leadership to produce a great leader! Today’s AVAIL podcast guest Dr. Jimmie Gray has developed this model and shares its core principles from his new book ...

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[Blog] The Power of Leadership Coaching

blog Mar 22, 2024

Here's how coaching can help you...

Leadership is a journey, not a destination. And to be effective on this journey, you'll need outside help. One such way is through employing a leadership coach....

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Built to Last

blog Mar 21, 2024

By Loxley O'Connor

Anyone who has spent any time in churches or has sat in meetings discussing vision has heard a leader, usually, a senior pastor, recite Habakkuk 2:2: “Write the...

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Build Your Dream

blog Mar 21, 2024

By Martijn van Tilborgh

When you want to own the tallest building in the city there are two strategies to accomplish that vision. The first is simply to tear down and demolish every building...

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[Podcast] Episode 186: The Fundamentals of Fundraising with Jerod Smith

podcast Mar 19, 2024

Fundraising is most taxing when the focus is on the funds. Today’s AVAIL podcast guest and fundraising expert Jerod Smith enlightens us on why fundraising is so often unsuccessful and...

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Passion Fruit

blog Mar 14, 2024

By Dave Martin

Perhaps one of the reasons people have such a difficult time seeing the obvious is because they misunderstand the nature of a God-given passion. A God-given passion is about others;...

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Lift the Lid

blog Mar 14, 2024

By Scott Wilson

You were born for a purpose. No matter who you are, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what background you come from, God has a magnificent purpose for you. You...

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[Podcast] Episode 185: It’s Already in You with Abram Gomez

podcast Mar 12, 2024

Personal growth doesn’t just fall into your lap. . . . it must be pursued. On today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, Pastor Abram Gomez joins us in a candid conversation about the nature...

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[Blog] Unleash Your Unique Message to the World

blog Mar 08, 2024

Embrace Your Uniqueness and Make Your Message Heard…

In a world inundated with information, standing out is crucial. Your unique message deserves to be heard, and the power to make that...

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