[Podcast] Episode 78: Andrew Momon on Being the Answer – AVAIL’s Merry Little Podcast Series

andrew momon podcast Dec 28, 2021

In this final episode of the Merry Little Podcast series, we’re revisiting our episode with Andrew Momon on being the solution when a problem arises. We’ll discuss Pastor Mo’s...

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Built to Last

loxley o'conner Dec 23, 2021

Anyone who has spent any time in churches or has sat in meetings discussing vision has heard a leader, usually, a senior pastor, recite Habakkuk 2:2: “Write the vision, and make it...

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Build Your Dream

When you want to own the tallest building in the city there are two strategies to accomplish that vision. The first is simply to tear down and demolish every building in town that is taller than...

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[Podcast] Episode 77: Chris Hodges on Stepping Into the Light – AVAIL’s Merry Little Podcast Series

chris hodges podcast Dec 21, 2021

In this episode, we revisit our talk with Christ Hodges about mental health in leadership. We’ll talk about his book, Out of the Cave: Stepping into the Light when Depression Darkens What You...

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Success Doesn’t Just happen

dave martin failure success Dec 16, 2021

Our parents knew something that most of us still don’t know: Failure is the default position in life. That’s right! Failure is the default setting for those who do not know what they...

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Leave a Better Legacy

I was a wide-eyed five-year-old kid who just loved sitting in the front row of Daddy’s church. You’d find me there every Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, and often even Thursday or...

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[Podcast] Episode 76: Chris Bowen on Moving Forward – AVAIL’s Merry Little Podcast Series

chris bowen podcast Dec 14, 2021

In this episode of the Merry Little Podcast series, we’re revisiting our conversation with Dr. Chris Bowen! What does it look like to adopt a mentality of improvement as a leader? How can you...

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Counterfeit Collaboration

It was definitely not my finest hour. I was pastoring a small, but growing church, and it was time to hire a youth leader. After several weeks, a prime candidate had emerged from the search. As...

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daniel kolenda Dec 08, 2021

While much of the world lapsed into a pandemic panic the past two years, Christ for All Nations (CfaN) kept moving toward its overarching goal: doubling the 75 million conversions recorded its...

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[Podcast] Episode 75: Christine Caine on Spiritual Growth in Leadership – AVAIL’s Merry Little Podcast Series

christine caine podcast Dec 07, 2021

In this special episode of the Merry Little Podcast series, we’re revisiting episodes that will encourage and motivate leaders everywhere. Join us as we revisit Christine Caine’s...

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