Word Power: Four ways Scripture transforms our lives

The Word of God creates intimacy with Jesus. Reading and meditating on the Word of God creates intimacy with the Lord Jesus. John says Jesus Christ is the Word (John 1:1-4). He is God and the...

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Liquid Assets: Living water is not meant to be bottled

What is the shape of water? Well it depends, doesn’t it? The shape of water is controlled by the shape and size of the container that it is poured into. For example, when water is poured into...

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[Podcast] Episode 31: Equipping Leaders: A Conversation with Scott Wilson

In today’s episode, we’re sitting down The Oak Fellowship’s former Senior Pastor, Scott Wilson! Aside from his work in ministry, Scott also works as an advisor and mentor to...

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Leadership Fatigue: Five principles for combating leadership fatigue

 One morning several years ago, I woke up and immediately started vomiting. I couldn't stop vomiting so I was taken to the hospital, given an MRI and told I had experienced a brain aneurysm. A...

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Virtual Leadership: How to accelerate innovation in a virtual world

Our new reality requires that leaders adapt and excel in a virtual workspace. Leading virtually can be challenging, and it is common for a leader’s focus to shift toward tasks and survival...

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[Podcast] Episode 30: Next Level Leading

In today’s episode, we’re sitting down with Courtney McBath! Courtney serves as Bishop and provides extensive leadership training through his organization, Calvary Leadership Network....

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Leading With New Eyes: From 'blind guides' to 'disruptive saints' in a post-Christian world

A few years ago, I had an eye surgery that didn’t go as planned.

Now for the record, I’m one of those people who gets unreasonably squeamish about eye stuff. My mom lost an eye when she...

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A Lever to Move the World: Education + Technology = Transformation

When I was a young boy, my grandfather, Dale Mathews would watch me exhaust myself while completing an extremely hard task. He would look at me and smile, then shake his head and say, “Mike,...

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[Podcast] Episode 29: Creating Disciples: A Conversation with Monte Madsen

In today’s episode, we’re sitting down with Christ Mission College president Monte Madsen! Monte is passionate about raising up the next generation to be bold and effective in their...

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Ditch the Labels: Don't let the world's expectations suppress God's assignment

When we were young, many of us dreamed that one day we would change the world. Some of us thought we’d be heroes—saving those around us from impending danger. Others believed...

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