[Podcast] Episode 27: Big Data: A Conversation with Dave Travis

In this episode, we’re sitting down with leadership guru Dave Travis! Dave has vast experience counseling senior pastors and church boards across the United States. He has experience in both...

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[Podcast] Episode 26: Advance, Living Unstuck and Moving Forward in Faith: A Conversation with Sarah Wehrli

In this episode, we’re sitting down with speaker, author, and executive director Sarah Wehrli! We’ll discuss her experience in ministry and what inspired her to write Advance, Living...

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[Podcast] Episode 25: Achieving Your Goals: A Conversation with Nicole Crank

In this episode, we’ll sit down with Nicole Crank and discuss her latest book, Goal Getters in greater depth! Together, we’ll discuss how to set your goals, your follow-through, and how...

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The Fuel of Vision: My four passion priorities for 2021

Not everything is worth being passionate about. However, when passion is directed properly, it’s like the gasoline in your tank, and it can fuel your drive toward accomplishing your vision...

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The Sixth Sense: The importance of intuition in leading well

Is leadership inherited, learned or taught? Growing up during the time that is locally referred to as the “Red Terror” in the capital city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, I learned many...

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[Podcast] Episode 24: Creating and Leading a Diverse Environment: A Conversation with Louis Carr

In this episode, we sit down with Louis Carr. Louis Carr has been President of Media Sales at BET for more than 30 years! In addition, he is also an author, motivational speaker, and philanthropist...

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Manage Tension (Before It Manages You)

     It is inherent in the role of leadership to create tension. By definition, leaders take people to places that are unfamiliar, often uncomfortable, and even threatening. We...

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A High Call: How Christ Mission College is training an elite force of non-traditional missionaries

     When Oscar and Perla Alvarado were studying at Christ Mission College (CMC), they never knew how relevant their experiences at the San Antonio school would prove to be five...

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[Podcast] Episode 23: Living Unhindered: A Conversation with Dr. Charity Byers and Dr. John Walker

In this episode, we sit down with psychologists Dr. Charity Byers and Dr. John Walker. Charity and John will elaborate more on their recent co-author venture, Unhindered: Aligning the story of your...

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[Podcast] Episode 22: Opportunity and Understanding Leadership: A Conversation with Ryan Leak

In this episode, we sit down with coach, author, and speaker Ryan Leak. Together, we’ll discuss the wisdom Ryan has gained coaching, tips for leaders to be effective amidst our season of...

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