Unleash Your Potential

blog Mar 23, 2023

By Todd Bishop

Over the last three decades of leadership, I have watched leaders come and go from every sphere of life. Many finished well; others were finished. Somewhere along the way, we...

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[Podcast] Episode 137: Pastor Todd Bishop on Unleashing Your Leadership

podcast Mar 21, 2023


In this episode of the AVAIL podcast, we sit down with seasoned leader and pastor Todd Bishop to discuss the release of his new book, Leadership Unleashed. Together, we'll touch on...

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[Blog] You Are a Change Agent

Uncategorized Mar 20, 2023

by Brenda Chand

As coaches, we have the unique role of stepping into people's lives at a moment of need or opportunity. They have come to us because they want help navigating the turbulent waters...

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Remotely Global

blog Mar 16, 2023


With Sam Adeyemi

While work from home has transformed the definition of employment for many professions, and churches continue to expand their online ministries, the concept of...

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Creative Chaos

blog Mar 16, 2023


By Sam Chand

Lions fascinate me. I’ve had the opportunity to see them in the wild in Africa, and if a nature program about the African savannah is on television, I can sit...

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[Podcast] Episode 136: The Surgery of Soul Care with Renee Hill Carter

podcast Mar 14, 2023


On today’s AVAIL podcast episode, our guest, Renée Hill Carter, imparts words of wisdom on the epidemic of leaders' emotional self-neglect, the masquerade of resilience,...

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[Blog] Preparing for the Inevitable

Uncategorized Mar 13, 2023

by EXPAND Consulting Partners

Life happens. Death happens. Unfortunate circumstances incapacitate leaders. We’ve all heard of sudden death, long-term debilitating illness, moral failure,...

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The IT Factor

blog Mar 09, 2023


By Jamie Kern Lima

Entrepreneurs are first problem solvers. Fundamentally dissatisfied with the status quo, they throw all their energy, talent and resources into creating...

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Leadership Leverage

blog Mar 09, 2023


With Chris Hodges

The last three years have been a challenging time for the church in the United States—from social and political unrest, to a global pandemic and its...

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[Podcast] Episode 135: People Over Product with Dave Gibbons

podcast Mar 07, 2023


In this episode, Dave Gibbons calls all leaders to be the confluence at the junction of cultural and church polarization by living in one accord with God. We learn the key to...

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