[Blog] How to Be a Highly-Effective Leader

blog Nov 18, 2022


One of the most remarkable stories from the past few decades is what happened in South Africa. Two men became unlikely partners in turning destructive chaos into something more...

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[Podcast] Episode 119: Mike Clarensau on Living a Spirit-Empowered Life

mike clarensau podcast Nov 15, 2022

In this episode, Mike Clarensau shares about his new book, A Spirit-Empowered Life. What does a Spirit-empowered life look like? How can we know we’ve stepped into living this way? What are...

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[Blog] How to Lead Into and Through Chaotic Times

blog Nov 11, 2022


Chaos is an inevitable reality if you are leading and doing anything worthwhile. If stability is what you’re after, you’re also after ineffectiveness and mediocrity....

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[Podcast] Episode 118: Josh Canizaro on Building a Generational and Interracial Church

josh canizaro podcast Nov 08, 2022

In this episode, Josh Canizaro shares with us about building a church that’s both generational and interracial. We’ll explore why churches tend to be homogenous—and why...

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[Blog] The Chaos of God's Plan

blog Nov 04, 2022


Do you fear chaos? Do you let this fear of chaos prevent you from pursuing opportunities you otherwise would?

From The Fall to the flood, things didn’t look good in the early...

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When to Get a Coach

blog Nov 04, 2022


By Brenda Chand

Carl has two friends who seem to have landed from different planets. As long as Carl has known him, Rex has been a sponge, soaking in principles and practices from...

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[Podcast] Episode 117: Greg Davis on Standing Strong in the Storm

podcast Nov 01, 2022

In this episode, Greg Davis discusses his book, Standing Strong in the Storm, and the insights readers will find within! Greg’s story is inspiring, and you won’t want to miss the...

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[Blog] Your Organizational Core Values

blog Oct 28, 2022


By EXPAND Consulting Partners

A church's core values are like the ballast in a ship. Although storms may buffet a vessel above the waterline, it is the weight of the ballast in the...

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[Podcast] Episode 116: Bishop Henry Fernandez on Why It's Imperative to Embrace Change

podcast Oct 25, 2022


In this episode, Bishop Henry Fernandez shares insights about leading in a changing world. It's impossible to lead effectively if we're resistant to change; we'll discuss practical...

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[Blog] Simplicity is King

blog Oct 21, 2022


The KISS principle—let’s be kind and define it as Keep It Simple, Saint—is widely known for its organizational application. But it’s also great advice when it...

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