Strength and Honor

honor strength tony garza Feb 03, 2022

The ancient Roman military, famed for its organization and tactical brilliance, revolutionized warfare through teamwork. These soldiers were unified by a code: “strength and honor.”


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An AVAIL Conversation: Nona Jones on social media stewardship, culture and what itā€™s like to work at Facebook

AVAIL Media Host, Virgil Sierra, recently sat down with Nona Jones for the AVAIL Podcast. Nona is a global thought leader, pastor, author and director of Global Faith Partnerships for Facebook. She...

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[Podcast] Episode 83: Lee Domingue on Finding and Staying in Your Lane

lee domingue podcast Feb 01, 2022

In this episode, we sit down with Lee Domingue, founder of Kingdom Builders U.S., about his leadership journey, the books he’s authored, and the principles that have guided him into this...

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From Shut-Down to Startup

covid jim sheppard zoom Jan 27, 2022

It happened again. The same conversation I’ve had dozens of times in recent months. A senior leader in a church said: “With everything that has happened since the COVID-19 outbreak, I...

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Never Give In

Winston Churchill was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. He may very well be the primary force that saved Western civilization from tyranny and oppression. But Churchill was forced to...

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[Podcast] Episode 82: Jerry Macklin on The Canvas of Tomorrow

In this episode, Bishop Jerry Macklin shares with us about his new book, The Canvas of Tomorrow, as well as his journey as the founder of Glad Tidings Church of God in Christ and Glad Tidings...

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Elijah, Elisha and You

What is a spiritual heir? We understand inheritance when it comes to money in the bank or a business that is left behind and the instructions in a last will and testament that determine who...

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The Power of Ritual

I want to confess right up front that I’m a bit of a productivity nerd. I love learning new hacks and finding those gems in a system or process that make my day go more smoothly and create...

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[Podcast] Episode 81: Jimmy Rollins on Tending to Your Personal Health

In this episode, Pastor Jimmy Rollins shares about his journey and the challenges he’s faced as a pastor, leader, and author. He’ll provide powerful insights on ministry health and the...

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shawn lovejoy Jan 13, 2022

Too many leaders have zero peace because every small decision and question lands in their lap every day.

Sound familiar?

I’ve learned that every organization is perfectly structured for the...

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