[Podcast] Episode 56: Innovation Meets Leadership: A Conversation with Natalie Born

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Natalie Born. Natalie is the Founder of Innovation Meets Leadership and VP of Innovation for Territory Global. In today’s...

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The Power of Number Two

Today we live in a world obsessed with “leadership” development. I’m all for it, although the sheer number of leadership books, seminars, blogs, conferences, and more is sometimes...

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The Need for Leaders to Grow

If a leader is growing, then gifted, passionate leaders are eager to join and contribute, and the organization almost certainly grows. But when leaders aren't growing, the best people stay away,...

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[Podcast] Episode 55: Out of the Cave: A Conversation with Chris Hodges

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Chris Hodges! Chris is the Founding Pastor of Church of the Highlands, co-founder of ARC, and founder of GROW and Highlands...

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Letting Go: Why great leaders release the need for control

You may be familiar with the myth that, once a leader learns to “let go,” he or she may finally be at peace. Sometimes letting go is framed as “not micromanaging one’s...

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Detour to Dreams: How to find opportunity in your opposition

Five words at the bottom of the TV screen captured my attention: “She gave birth in chains.” I quickly turned the volume up to hear a 27-year-old Sudanese woman tell the account of how...

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[Podcast] Episode 54: The Word for You Today: A Conversation with Debby Gass

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Debby Gass. Debby, alongside her husband, Bob Gass, wrote and popularized The Word for You Today. In this episode, she’ll...

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Visualize This!: How your brain gives substance to your dreams

dave martin dream goals vision Jul 08, 2021

Jim Carrey is one of the most beloved and successful comedians of my generation. But during his early days of modest success and career-building, his vision was to play lead roles in highly...

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From Loss to Lesson: How to innovate through failure

There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period. —Brené Brown

Creating breakthrough innovation is not an easy undertaking. If it were, everyone would do it. It takes a...

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[Podcast] Episode 53: Leadership Fitness: A Conversation with Andrew Momon

In this episode of the AVAIL Podcast, we’re sitting down with Andrew Momon to delve deeper into his insightful and practical new book, LeaderFit. Through LeaderFit, Andrew explores the...

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