In this insightful conversation, Dino Rizzo shares with leaders the lessons he’s learned over the years as a pastor, speaker, author, and much more. Gain insight on how to look forward into...
From government and education to law enforcement and religion, institutions are under attack as a younger generation questions whether the previously reliable bulwarks of society can be trusted. As...
It was 1999, and Michael McBride was a youth pastor in San Jose, California, when he experienced a violent encounter that continues to shape his ministry today.
A rising star in the Bay Area,...
In this episode, we sit down with the incredible Nona Jones to discuss church leadership, her corporate journey, leveraging the tool of social media for good, and much more! This conversation may...
A youth pastor may have a ton of skills and passion, but if he sees parents as his biggest problem, he’s totally missed a vital issue in his ministry. Parents aren’t the...
Every once in a while, I’ll get a call from someone in my church who knows I work in publishing. The conversation typically starts with, “I have written...” or “I’m...
In this episode, we'll sit down with April Osteen Simons to discuss the principles in her new book, Better Than Ever. Life happens to all of us, but in order to go after the better life God has for...
In this episode, we’ll chat with Dr. Sam Chand about his book, Ladder Leaders, and the principles it contains that will help leaders in all spheres of influence. Discover the heart behind the...
Generation Z has been called to live and lead in unprecedented times. The dark clouds of surrounding storms have informed their entire earthly journey. Rarely in history has any one generation...
We’re bombarded with messages every day. The cumulative effect is powerful. A journal of psychology reports that the average American is subject to between four and five thousand...
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