God uses both your despair and your victories to birth stories that will reveal the stories God has written for others! Today, on the AVAIL podcast, Martha Munizzi shares her journey...
Do you feel stuck?
All of us have been there before, at one time or another. It could be a setback in your personal life, a roadblock your organization has come up against, something...
In today’s episode of the AVAIL podcast, John Bevere returns for Part 2 and reminds us that love for God is not synonymous with fear of God! He alerts us to how the...
Perhaps you’ve heard these questions in your leadership journey before:
“What’s your greatest regret?”
“If you could say something...
The fear of the Lord is not only misunderstood, but villainized among men and women in desperate need of freedom from fear of the world! On today’s episode of the AVAIL...
Maybe some (or all) of the following thoughts have run through your head today:
I don’t have enough time.
I’m too busy.
I can’t get it all done.
Today’s ministry culture is “checking out,” but the Bible gives us permission to “check in!” Lance Witt joins us today on the AVAIL podcast for Part 2...
I have a reminder for all leaders, no matter what your station: We’re always on a journey; none of us ever fully arrive. At first glance, that may sound a bit...
In this episode of the AVAIL podcast, Lance Witt advocates for healing from the inside out, not the outside in! Lance invites us to treat the cause of the wound in order to eradicate...
If you are a leader, you have ideas. And if you are a leader, you’re going to try to convince others about how great your ideas are. That’s what leaders do....
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